Glacier Chiropractic
1702 NW Market Street
Seattle WA 98107

Is Your Smart Phone Causing Neck Pain?

Text Neck Pain Treatment

Browsing social media, answering texts, playing games, and catching up on your favorite shows on the go – we spend a lot of time on our phones. Unfortunately, these super convenient devices can encourage bad posture and cause some pretty painful neck problems, also known as text neck or tech next.

If your neck is feeling more stiff and sore these days, the team at Glacier Chiropractic wants to help you figure out whether smartphone use could be the culprit behind your aches and pains.

What Is Text Neck?

Text neck is a painful condition that results from staring down or remaining hunched over for extended periods – the position we use when working or playing on most smart devices. The average head weighs about ten pounds. As you look down at your screen, supporting this added weight can stress your cervical spine. Every inch you tilt your head down potentially doubles this stress on your spine.

  • Neck & Upper Back Pain
  • Shoulder Pain & Tightness
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Rounded Shoulders
  • Reduced Mobility
  • Headaches

Natural Pain Relief

The good news is that simple changes can make a big difference in your pain levels or eliminate them altogether. You can enjoy today’s technological conveniences without causing harm or injury to your body with a little common sense and a few drug-free techniques.

  • Raise Level The Of Your Phone
  • Take Frequent Screen Breaks
  • Maintain Good Posture
  • Stretch & Arch Upper Back Backward Periodically
  • Get Routine Chiropractic Care

A Helping Hand In Seattle

At Glacier Chiropractic, we understand that smartphones aren’t going anywhere, especially in today’s work-from-home environments. Our neck pain chiropractor can provide nonsurgical, alternative treatments to keep your spine properly aligned, reduce discomfort, and increase your range of motion. Contact us today to find relief from text neck and improve your posture.

Glacier ChiropracticGlacier Chiropractic, located in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, offers complete chiropractic care and adjustments. Our pain management services cater to various ailments, such as sports injuries, back pain, leg pain, sciatica, neck pain, and pinched nerves. In emergencies, our team is also equipped to provide immediate care.

How To Reach Us

Ballard, Seattle Office

Looking for a chiropractor in Seattle, Washington? Our chiropractic office is nestled in the neighborhood of Ballard. We’re close to the following areas: Ballard, Sunset Hill, Loyal Heights, Crown Hill, Greenwood, Phinney Ridge, Green Lake, Wallingford, Fremont, Magnolia, Queen Anne & Westlake.